MONTHLY LUNCHEON, MONDAY OCTOBER 16, 11:30 am- 1 pm. Please note that our October luncheon is being held on the 3rd Monday of the month, rather than our usual 2nd Monday meeting. HELD AT LITTLE AMERICA HOTEL, CHEYENNE, WY
Reata will be telling us about her path to become Miss Rodeo Wyoming and the experiences this year has brought her. We began a tradition a few years ago of having Miss Rodeo Wyoming speak at our October Luncheons, and raising funds to help her with expenses to the Miss Rodeo America pageant. Plan on attending and meeting this fine young lady!
ABOUT OUR MONTHLY LUNCHEONS: Luncheons with guest speakers are held the 2nd Monday of the month, September - May, at Little America Hotel, starting at 11:30. The public is welcome to attend; reservations are needed by the Thursday prior to the luncheon date. Please call 307-632-2814 to reserve. Luncheon cost is $25 with reservation, or $30 without reservation.